Studien- und Forschungsarbeiten

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Weitere Berichte und Dokumente

  • Parallel traffic micro-simulation by cellular automata and application for large scale transportation modeling
    K. Nagel, M. Rickert, C.L. Barrett, LANL Technical Report text 16 pages .ps.gz, 55 kB and figures .ps.gz, 592kB
  • Outflow from traffic jam in a nondeterministic two lanes system M. Rickert, April 1995 (not submitted) .ps.gz, 44 kB
  • A first Draft on how to Integrate High Fidility and Cellular Automata Approaches to Microsimulation in TRANSIMS on a distributed Computer Network
    February 1995, outdated, replaced by Toolbox documentation .ps.gz, 74 kB
  • Simulation zweispurigen Verkehrsflusses auf Basis zellularer Automaten
    Master's thesis (in German), May 1994, 4 figures missing, .ps.gz, 638 kB

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