University Transscript

Undergraduate Courses

SemesterHours/weekCourse / Level
WS 87/88 8 Physics I
6 Calculus I
6 Linear Algebra I
4 Chemestry for Physicists
SS 88 8 Physics II
6 Calculus II
6 Linear Algebra II
8 Lab practical in Physics (part 1)
WS 89/89 4 Physics III
6 Theoretical Physics (Classical Mechanics)
8 Lab practical in Physics (part 2)
n/a Lab practical in Chemistry
SS 89 4 Physics IV
6 Complex Calculus
6 Theoretical Physics (Electrodynamics)

Intermediate Oral Exams

The intermediate oral emams were taken in September 1989 covering the following subjects
Experimental Physics excellent (minus)
Theoretical Physics very good
Chemistry very good
Mathematics sufficient

Graduate Courses

SemesterHours/weekCourse / Level
WS 89/90 6 Theoretical Physics (Quantum Mechanics)
3 Solid State Physics, part 1
8 Advanced lab practical, part 1
2 Seminar in Physics
6 Computer Science I
2 Language Course in French
SS 90 3 Physics V
3 Solid State Physics, part 2
2 High Temperature Super Conductors
6 Differential Equations
6 Computer Science II
2 Seminar in Computer Science
WS 90/91 4 Theoretical Solid State Physics I
2 Quarcs
8 Advanced lab practical in Physics, part 2
2 Seminar in Physics
SS 91 6 Numerical Mathematics I
2 Advanced seminar in Solid State Physics
4 Theoretical Solid State Physics II
WS 91/92 3 Theory of Relativity
6 Numerical Mathematics II


The final oral exams were taken in March 1993 covering the following subjects
Theoretical Physics very good
Experimental Physics excellent
Solid State Physics excellent
Computer Science excellent
The diploma in Physics was awarded on May 2nd, 1994. The thesis entitled Simulation of two-lane traffic using cellular automata ("Simulation zweispurigen Verkehrsflusses auf der Basis zellularer Automaten'') was supervised by Prof. Dr.Achim Bachem (Department of Mathematics, University of Cologne, Germany) and Dr. Michael Schreckenberg (Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, Germany).

Post-Graduate Courses

SemesterHours/weekCourse / Level
WS 95/96 6 Parallel Algorithms I
2 Seminar in Scientific Computing
SS 96 6 Parallel Algorithms II
2 Seminar in Scientific Computing
WS 96/97 6 Formal Languages
2 Seminar in Scientific Computing

Aktualisiert am 12.02.2000 8:51 Uhr